14 October, 2010

The Vast Variety of Gears

There is a huge variety of gears, each with its own specific purpose. Here are just some of the many.

How to Make Gears

So far I have discovered a verity of ways to make gears. Here is a video that clearly demonstrates making a gear from a only one piece of wood.

30 September, 2010

Bernie Lubell's Interactive Wooden Machines

The Origins of Innocence - A Theory of Entanglement

In this film Bernie Lubell speaks about the importance of those interacting with the machine to work together. In order to make the machine knit the two people need to coordinate their speed and timing.

I find this conceptually fascinating. Not only does the art work require human intervention to fulfill it potential but it requires a relationship of cooperation, understanding, and most important communication between two people. It seems to me that if the two viewers fail the art work fails.

Differnt Ways of Creating the Gears and Movement

It has become obvious that carving the gears from one piece of wood cannot achieve the precision that this project demands. Researching the history of gears and how the gears were created has shed light on different possibilities. Rather than cutting one gear out of one piece of wood the gear itself can be broken down into more manageable smaller parts. This avoids the need to cut curves and maneuvering the blade in awkwardly. Once the smaller parts have been cut it is a matter of puzzling them together, this creates a pie effect. The gears do not need to be carved, rather they can be built by a circular piece with spokes jutting out on top or on the sides.

Continuous Movement

The gears go around and around and around. How does the continual movement of the gears connect with language? Is it possible to exaggerate this type of movement by creating a perpetual motion machine of sorts. As the "machine" will not be creating anything itself it seems to be important that it maintain its own motion.
A pendulum could be incorporated. As it swings backwards and forwards it moves the gears and could create a greater awareness of time and speed, progress and stagnation.

Banksy Bristol Exhibit
